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add(Position, Position) - Static method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Position
Creates a new Position object as a result to add p1 and p2.
addMapItem(MapItem) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Adds item to the mapItemList as long as item is not null.
addPoints(int) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Add the value of points to the attribute score as long as points is greater than 0.
alive() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Sets the attribute dead to false.
assetManager - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame


batch - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
behaviour - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Ghost
Behaviour in which the ghost is.
Behaviour - Enum Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts
Behaviour defines the different behaviour which a ghost can be in.
Behaviour(int) - Constructor for enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Behaviour
Constructor with arguments.
Blinky - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts
Represents a Blinky (red) ghost.
Blinky(Position, Direction, Behaviour, Level) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Blinky
Constructor with arguments.
The value of the scatterPosition is (level.WIDTH,-1).
The value of the sprite is Sprite.BLINKY.
It assigns to chaseBehaviour a ChaseAggressive object.
BLINKY - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Sprite for a Blinky ghost.
blinkyAsset - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame


camera - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameOverScreen
camera - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.InterLevelsScreen
camera - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.WelcomeScreen
CELL_SIZE - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
Character - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters
A character is any entity that is able to move and hit.
Character(Position, Direction, Sprite, Level) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Creates a character at the given position facing in the given direction.
Any character is pathable.
If the position is null, then the position will be (0,0).
Take into consideration that the value of the parameter position is also the start/initial position of the character.
If the direction is null, then the direction will be UP.
By default, any character is alive.
CHASE - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Behaviour
Behaviour where the ghosts chase Pacman.
ChaseAggressive - Class in
It implements the ChaseBehaviour interface according to an aggressive behaviour.
Its target position is directly Pacman's position.
ChaseAggressive() - Constructor for class
ChaseAmbush - Class in
It implements the ChaseBehaviour interface according to an ambush behaviour.
Its target position is four steps ahead of Pacman's position in the direction Pacman is facing.
ChaseAmbush() - Constructor for class
chaseBehaviour - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Ghost
Object that allows us to assign a specific ChaseBehaviour class.
ChaseBehaviour - Interface in
Defines the methods that any character (namely, ghost) must have to chase.
Thanks to this interface, we are using the Strategy design pattern.
ChaseCoward - Class in
It implements the ChaseBehaviour interface according to a coward behaviour.
It has two different modes which it constantly switches back and forth between, based on its proximity to Pacman.
ChaseCoward() - Constructor for class
ChasePatrol - Class in
It implements the ChaseBehaviour interface according to an aggressive behaviour.
In order to locate Inky's target position, we first start by selecting the position TILES_OFFSET tiles in front of Pac-Man in his current direction of travel, similar to Pinky's targeting method.
ChasePatrol() - Constructor for class
Clyde - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts
Represents a Clyde (orange) ghost.
Clyde(Position, Direction, Behaviour, Level) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Clyde
Constructor with arguments.
The value of the scatterPosition is (-1,LEVEL.HEIGHT).
The value of the sprite is Sprite.CLYDE.
It assigns to chaseBehaviour a ChaseCoward object.
CLYDE - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Sprite for a Clyde ghost.
clydeAsset - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
create() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
currentLevel - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Number of the current level.


dead - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Indicates if the character is dead (true) or not (false).
decreaseLives() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Decreases 1 the number of lives as long as the number of lives is not zero.
direction - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
The direction that the character faces.
Direction - Enum Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils
Direction that Pacman and ghosts face.
RESPECT The order of the values: RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, UP.
Direction(int, int, int) - Constructor for enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Direction
dispose() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameOverScreen
dispose() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameScreen
dispose() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.InterLevelsScreen
dispose() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
dispose() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.WelcomeScreen
distance(Position) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Position
Calculates the Euclidean distance from this point to other given point.
Dot - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items
Represents a dot in the labyrinth/map.
Dot(Position) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Dot
Constructor with argument.
The value for pathable is true and for sprite is Sprite.DOT.
DOT - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Sprite for a dot.
dotAsset - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
DOWN - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Direction
DOWN direction. x = 0, y = 1 and keyCode = 20.
drawImage(Sprite, int, int) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
duration - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Left time so that the ghost changes its current behaviour or the Pacman changes its current state.
duration - Variable in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Behaviour
Stores the duration of the behaviour.
duration - Variable in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.State
Stores the duration of the state.


eat() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.Pacman
Performs the eat action.
EATER - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.State
State when Pacman eats an energizer and is able to eat/kill ghosts.
edu.uoc.pacman.controller - package edu.uoc.pacman.controller
edu.uoc.pacman.model - package edu.uoc.pacman.model
edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities - package edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities
edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters - package edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters
edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts - package edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts - package
edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman - package edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman
edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items - package edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items
edu.uoc.pacman.model.exceptions - package edu.uoc.pacman.model.exceptions
edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils - package edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils
edu.uoc.pacman.view - package edu.uoc.pacman.view
Energizer - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items
Represents an energizer in the labyrinth/map.
Energizer(Position) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Energizer
Constructor with argument.
The value for pathable is true and for sprite is Sprite.ENERGIZER.
ENERGIZER - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Sprite for an energizer.
energizerAsset - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
Entity - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities
Represents any item that appears in the game.
Entity(Position, boolean, Sprite) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.Entity
Constructor with arguments.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Ghost
Checks if another object instance is equal to this ghost.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Position
Checks if two positions are equal.


fileFolder - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Name of the folder in which level files are
fileName - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
The name of the level configuration file.
font - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
FRIGHTENED - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Behaviour
Behaviour where the ghosts are frightened and confused.


game - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameOverScreen
game - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameScreen
game - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.InterLevelsScreen
game - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.WelcomeScreen
Game - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.controller
Controller class of the game.
Game(String) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Constructor with argument.
gameController - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameScreen
gameController - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
gameController - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.UserInputProcessor
GameOverScreen - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.view
GameOverScreen(PacmanGame) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameOverScreen
GameScreen - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.view
GameScreen(PacmanGame) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameScreen
getAssertBySprite(Sprite) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
getBehaviour() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Ghost
Gets the behaviour that the ghost currently is in.
getBlinky() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Gets the first Blinky object in the Ghost list of the level.
getChasePosition(Ghost) - Method in class
The ghost will chase the Pacman's current direction.
getChasePosition(Ghost) - Method in class
The ghost will chase the position which is TILES_OFFSET steps/tiles/cells/positions ahead of Pacman's position in the direction Pacman is facing.
getChasePosition(Ghost) - Method in interface
Defines the signature of the method to be used to get the position where any character (namely, ghosts) must to go to.
getChasePosition(Ghost) - Method in class
The ghost will target Pacman's position if the euclidean distance between position is equal to or greater than a distance of TILES_TO_CHASE.
getChasePosition(Ghost) - Method in class
The ghost will chase twice a vector equals to:
getCurrentLevel() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Getter of the attribute currentLevel.
getDirection() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Gets the direction that the character is facing.
getDirectionByKeyCode(int) - Static method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Direction
Given the value of keyCode, it returns the corresponding Direction value.
getDuration() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Getter of the attribute duration.
getDuration() - Method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Behaviour
Gets the duration of the behaviour.
getDuration() - Method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.State
Gets the duration of the state.
getFileFolder() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Getter of the attribute fileFolder.
getFileName() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Getter of the attribute fileName
getFirstNonEmptyLine(BufferedReader) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
This is a helper method for Level.parse() which returns the first non-empty and non-comment line from the reader.
getGameController() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
getGhostInstance(int, int, String, Direction, Behaviour, Level) - Static method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.GhostFactory
Returns a new Ghost object.
getGhostList() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Getter of the attribute ghostList.
getGhosts() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Gets the list of Ghosts which are present in the level.
getHeight() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Getter of the attribute height.
getImageSrc() - Method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Getter of the attribute imageSrc.
getItemMapInstance(int, int, char) - Static method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.MapItemFactory
Returns a new MapItem object.
getItemMapListIterator() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Gets an Iterator of the itemMapList
getKeyCode() - Method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Direction
Getter of the attibute keyCode
getLevel() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Getter of the attribute level.
getLevelScore() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Gets the current score of the level that the player is playing.
getLives() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Getter of the attribute lives.
getMapItem(int, int) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Returns the map/labyrinth item which is in the position (x,y).
getMapItem(Position) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Returns the map/labyrinth item which is in position.
getMapItemList() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Getter of the attribute mapItemList.
getMapItemListIterator() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Returns an Iterator of the attribute mapItemList.
getNumLives() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Returns the number of lives that the player has in the current level.
getPacman() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Gests the @link Pacman} object which is present in the current level.
getPacman() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Getter ot the attribute pacman.
getPoints() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Blinky
Getter of the attribute POINTS.
getPoints() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Clyde
Getter of the attribute POINTS.
getPoints() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Inky
Getter of the attribute POINTS.
getPoints() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Pinky
Getter of the attribute POINTS.
getPoints() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Dot
Getter of the attribute POINTS.
getPoints() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Energizer
Getter of the attribute POINTS.
getPoints() - Method in interface edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.Scorable
Gets points.
getPosition() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.Entity
Gets the current position of the entity.
getScatterPosition() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Ghost
Getter of the attribute scatterPosition.
getScore() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Getter of the attribute "score" (Game score).
getScore() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Getter of the attribute score.
getSprite() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.Entity
Getter of the attribute sprite.
getStartPosition() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Getter of the attribute startPosition.
getState() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.Pacman
Getter of the attribute state.
getSymbol() - Method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Getter of the attribute symbol.
getTargetPosition() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Ghost
Returns the target position of the ghosts according to its current behaviour.
getWidth() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Getter of the attribute width.
getX() - Method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Direction
Getter of the attibute x
getX() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Position
Getter of the attribute x
getY() - Method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Direction
Getter of the attibute y
getY() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Position
Getter of the attribute y
Ghost - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts
Represents an abstract Ghost class which defines a specific Character entity.
Ghost(Position, Position, Direction, Behaviour, Sprite, Level) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Ghost
Constructor with arguments.
GhostFactory - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts
Ghost Simple Factory class.
GhostFactory() - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.GhostFactory
ghostList - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Ghosts that are part of the level.
GHOSTS_ERROR - Static variable in exception edu.uoc.pacman.model.exceptions.LevelException
Error message when there isn't any ghost


hashCode() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Position
Returns the hash of a Position object.
hasLost() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Checks if the player has lost, i.e. the number of lives is zero.
hasWon() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Checks if the level was finished.
height - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
The height of the map/labyrinth.
hide() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameOverScreen
hide() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameScreen
hide() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.InterLevelsScreen
hide() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.WelcomeScreen
hit() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Ghost
Checks if the ghost hits Pacman, i.e. if ghost's position and Pacman's position are the same.
hit() - Method in interface edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Hitable
Defines the signature of the method that manages the hit action of any hitable entity.
hit() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.Pacman
Checks if Pacman is in the same position which any ghost.
Hitable - Interface in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters
Defines the methods that any hitable entity must have.


imageSrc - Variable in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Value of the image path.
INACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Behaviour
Behaviour where the ghosts don't do anything and Pacman cannot kill them.
increaseLives() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Increases 1 the number of lives.
Inky - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts
Represents an Inky (bluish) ghost.
Inky(Position, Direction, Behaviour, Level) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Inky
Constructor with arguments.
The value of the scatterPosition is (LEVEL.WIDTH,LEVEL.HEIGHT).
The value of the sprite is Sprite.INKY.
It assigns to chaseBehaviour a ChasePatrol object.
INKY - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Sprite for an Inky ghost.
inkyAsset - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
InterLevelsScreen - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.view
InterLevelsScreen(PacmanGame) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.view.InterLevelsScreen
INVINCIBLE - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.State
State when Pacman has been killed, and it cannot neither be killed nor kill ghosts.
isDead() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Getter of the attribute dead.
isFinished() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Indicates if the game is finished (true) or not (false).
isLevelCompleted() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Checks if the level is completed, i.e. the player has collected all the dots and energizers of the map.
isPathable() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.Entity
Getter of the attribute pathable.
isPathable(Position) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Given a position, it indicates if such a position is pathable or not.
isPicked() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Dot
Getter of the attribute picked.
isPicked() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Energizer
Getter of the attribute picked.
isPicked() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Life
Getter of the attribute picked.
isPicked() - Method in interface edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Pickable
Method that allows us to know if the item has been picked or not.


keyCode - Variable in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Direction
Intenger value that is given by libgdx to a key pressed by the user
keyDown(int) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.UserInputProcessor
keyUp(int) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.UserInputProcessor
kill() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Sets the attribute dead to true.
kill() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Ghost
Kills the ghost and add its points to the level's score.
kill() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.Pacman
Kills Pacman and decreases one life in the current level.


LEFT - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Direction
LEFT direction. x = -1, y = 0 and keyCode = 21.
level - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Level object that contains the information of the current level.
level - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Reference to the current level object.
Level - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model
Represents a level in the game.
Level(String, int) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Constructor with argument.
LevelException - Exception in edu.uoc.pacman.model.exceptions
Level Exception class.
In order to know the text of each message, please click on the "Constant Field Values" link that you'll find in the description of each constant.
LevelException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.uoc.pacman.model.exceptions.LevelException
Constructor with argument.
Life - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items
Represents a life in the labyrinth/map.
Life(Position) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Life
Constructor with argument.
The value for pathable is true and for sprite is Sprite.LIFE.
LIFE - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Sprite for a life.
lifeAsset - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
lives - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Number of lives in the level.
loaded - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameScreen
loadImages() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
loadLevel() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Loads a new level by using the value of the attribute currentLevel.
logoAsset - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame


MapItem - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items
Abstract class that represents any labyrinth/map item.
MapItem(Position, boolean, Sprite) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.MapItem
Constructor with arguments.
MapItemFactory - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items
Entity Simple Factory class.
MapItemFactory() - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.MapItemFactory
mapItemList - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Stores the items which are part of the map/labyrinth.
maxLevels - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Maximum amount of levels that the game has.
MIN_HEIGHT - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
The minimum height that the map must have.
MIN_WIDTH - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
The minimum width that the map must have.
Movable - Interface in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters
Defines the methods that any movable entity must have.
move() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Ghost
Moves the ghost according to the game rules.
If the targetPosition is null (e.g. because ghost's behavior is INACTIVE}, then the ghost does not move.
move() - Method in interface edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Movable
Defines the signature of the method that manages the movement of any movable entity.
move() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.Pacman
Moves Pacman across the board only one step.


nextBehaviour() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Ghost
Decreases the behaviour's duration and changes the ghost's behaviour to the next behaviour if duration is 0.
nextLevel() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Checks if there is a new level to play and loads it.
If the game is finished, it returns false.
nextState() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.Pacman
Decreases the behaviour's duration and changes the ghost's behaviour to the next behaviour if duration is 0.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.State
State in which Pacman is usually.
NUM_LIVES - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Number of lives which each level has when it starts.


opposite() - Method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Direction
Gets the opposite direction of the direction that invokes this method.


pacman - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Reference to Pacman object, i.e. the player.
Pacman - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman
Represents the player object that appears in the game, which is called Pacman.
Pacman(Position, Direction, State, Level) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.Pacman
Constructor with arguments.
PACMAN_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Sprite when Pacman is facing down.
PACMAN_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Sprite when Pacman is facing left.
PACMAN_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Sprite when Pacman is facing right.
PACMAN_UP - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Sprite when Pacman is facing up.
pacmanDownAsset - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
PacmanGame - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.view
PacmanGame() - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
pacmanLeftAsset - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
pacmanRightAsset - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
pacmanUpAsset - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
parse() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Parses/Reads level's data from the given file.
It also checks which the board's requirements are met.
PARSING_LEVEL_FILE_ERROR - Static variable in exception edu.uoc.pacman.model.exceptions.LevelException
Error message when there is an error while parsing/loading the level configuration file.
Path - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items
Represents a path in the labyrinth/map.
Path(Position) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Path
Constructor with arguments.
The value for pathable is true and for sprite is Sprite.PATH.
PATH - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Sprite for a piece of path.
pathable - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.Entity
Indicates if the entity is pathable or not.
pathAsset - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
pause() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameOverScreen
pause() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameScreen
pause() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.InterLevelsScreen
pause() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.WelcomeScreen
Pickable - Interface in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items
Defines the methods that any pickable item must have.
PICKABLE_ERROR - Static variable in exception edu.uoc.pacman.model.exceptions.LevelException
Error message when there are not any dot or energizer.
picked - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Dot
This attribute allows us to manage if the dot has been picked or not.
picked - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Energizer
This attribute allows us to manage if the energizer has been picked or not.
picked - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Life
This attribute allows us to manage if the life has been picked or not.
Pinky - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts
Represents a Pinky ghost.
Pinky(Position, Direction, Behaviour, Level) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Pinky
Constructor with arguments.
The value of the scatterPosition is (-1,-1).
The value of the sprite is Sprite.PINKY.
It assigns to chaseBehaviour a ChaseAmbush object.
PINKY - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Sprite for a Pinky ghost.
pinkyAsset - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
POINTS - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Blinky
This attribute stores the amount of points that the Blinky ghost gives.
POINTS - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Clyde
This attribute stores the amount of points that the Inky ghost gives.
POINTS - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Inky
This attribute stores the amount of points that the Inky ghost gives.
POINTS - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Pinky
This attribute stores the amount of points that the Pinky ghost gives.
POINTS - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Dot
This attribute stores the amount of points that the dot gives.
POINTS - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Energizer
This attribute stores the amount of points that the energizer gives.
position - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.Entity
Position where the entity is.
Position - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils
Stores a 2D position/point/coordinate.
Position(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Position
Constructor with arguments.


reload() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Reloads the current level, i.e. load the level again.
removeMapItem(MapItem) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Removes item from the mapItemList.
render() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
render(float) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameOverScreen
render(float) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameScreen
render(float) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.InterLevelsScreen
render(float) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.WelcomeScreen
reset() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Resets the game so that it starts again.
reset() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Resets the character.
reset() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Ghost
Resets the ghost back to its start position where it is "alive" (as the Character does) and also with a behaviour of INACTIVE and facing UP.
reset() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.Pacman
Resets Pacman back to its start position where it is "alive" (as Character does) and also with a state of INVINCIBLE and facing UP.
resize(int, int) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameOverScreen
resize(int, int) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameScreen
resize(int, int) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.InterLevelsScreen
resize(int, int) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.WelcomeScreen
resume() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameOverScreen
resume() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameScreen
resume() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.InterLevelsScreen
resume() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.WelcomeScreen
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Direction
RIGHT direction. x = 1, y = 0 and keyCode = 22.


SCATTER - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Behaviour
Behaviour where the ghosts run home (scatter position).
scatterPosition - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Ghost
Position that the ghost tries to reach when its behaviour is SCATTER.
Scorable - Interface in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities
Defines the methods that any scorable entity must have.
score - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Total score of the game, i.e. the sum of the levels' scores.
score - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Level's score.
setBehaviour(Behaviour) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Ghost
Sets the current behaviour of the ghost.
Its duration overrides the value of the attribute duration.
setDead(boolean) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Setter of the attribute dead.
setDirection(Direction) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Sets the direction of the character.
If the direction is null, then the direction is not set and remains the same.
setDirection(Direction) - Method in interface edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Movable
Defines the signatures of the method that manages the direction in which any movable entity moves.
setDirection(Direction) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.Pacman
Sets the direction of Pacman.
If the new direction is null, then the direction is not set and remains the same.

Because Pacman has 4 different sprites depending on its direction, this method also updates the value of the attribute sprite, i.e.
setDuration(int) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Setter of the attribute duration.
setFileFolder(String) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Setter of the attribute fileFolder.
setFileName(String) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Setter of the attribute fileName.
setGhostsFrightened() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Sets the behaviour of all the ghosts in the level to FRIGHTENED.
setHeight(int) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Setter of the attribute height.
setLevel(Level) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Setter of the attribute level.
setLives(int) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Setter of the attribute lives.
setPacmanDirection(Direction) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
This method allows us to change Pacman's direction according to the user input (i.e. the pressed key).
setPathable(boolean) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.Entity
Setter of the attribute pathable.
setPicked(boolean) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Dot
Setter of the attribute pickled.
setPicked(boolean) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Energizer
Setter of the attribute pickled.
setPicked(boolean) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Life
Setter of the attribute pickled.
setPicked(boolean) - Method in interface edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Pickable
Sets the item as picked/unpicked.
setPosition(Position) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.Entity
Sets the position of the entity.
setScatterPosition(Position) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Ghost
Setter of the attribute scatterPosition.
setScore(int) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Setter of the attribute "score" (Game score).
setSprite(Sprite) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.Entity
Setter of the attribute sprite.
setStartPosition(Position) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Setter of the attribute startPosition.
setState(State) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.Pacman
Setter of the attribute state.
If the new state is null, then the state is not set and remains the same.
setWidth(int) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Setter of the attribute width.
setX(int) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Position
Setter of the attribute x
setY(int) - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Position
Setter of the attribute y
show() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameOverScreen
show() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.GameScreen
show() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.InterLevelsScreen
show() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.WelcomeScreen
SIZE_ERROR - Static variable in exception edu.uoc.pacman.model.exceptions.LevelException
Error message when the size of the board does not meet the minimum
sprite - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.Entity
Value of Sprite linked to the entity.
Sprite - Enum Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils
Sprite that stores the configuration file symbol and the image's path.
Sprite(char, String) - Constructor for enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Constructor with arguments.
startPosition - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Stores the initial/start position of the character.
state - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.Pacman
Stores the state of the Pacman.
State - Enum Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman
Represents the three state which Pacman can have.
State(int) - Constructor for enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.State
Constructor with arguments.
symbol - Variable in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Value in the configuration file.


tick - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Number that allows us to manage when the actions happen.
TILES_OFFSET - Static variable in class
The amount of tiles/cells/positions/steps that must be added to the Pacman's position.
TILES_OFFSET - Static variable in class
The amount of tiles/cells/positions/steps that must be added to the Pacman's position.
TILES_TO_CHASE - Static variable in class
Distance in tiles to decide which position is the target one.
toString() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.Character
Represents this entity in a comma-separated string format.
Format is: "x,y,DIRECTION", where DIRECTION is uppercase enum type value.
Example: 4,5,LEFT
toString() - Method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Behaviour
Returns a String with information of the Behaviour.
toString() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Ghost
Represents this ghost in a comma-separated string format.
Format is: "x,y,DIRECTION,BEHAVIOUR:behaviourDuration".
DIRECTION is the uppercase enum type value for Direction.
BEHAVIOUR is the uppercase enum type value for Behaviour.
toString() - Method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.State
Returns a String with information of the State.
Format: STATE:stateDuration
Example: "INVINCIBLE:5"

Hint: Remember that toString() is already coded in Object.
toString() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Position
Returns a comma-seperated string representation of a Position.
Format: "x,y"
Example: "3,4"


UP - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Direction
UP direction. x = 0, y = -1 and keyCode = 19.
update() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.controller.Game
Update the game, namely the level.
update() - Method in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
Refreshes/Updates the game when needed.
UPDATE_GAME - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
It is the refresh time.
UserInputProcessor - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.view
UserInputProcessor(Game) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.view.UserInputProcessor


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Behaviour
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.ghosts.Behaviour
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.characters.pacman.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VECTOR_INCREASE - Static variable in class
The amount which the vector equals to targetPositionBlinky - FIRST_BLINKY_POSITION must be extended (multiplied).


Wall - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items
Represents a wall in the labyrinth/map.
Wall(Position) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.model.entities.items.Wall
Constructor with arguments.
The value for pathable is false and for sprite is Sprite.WALL.
WALL - Enum constant in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Sprite
Sprite for a wall.
wallAsset - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
WelcomeScreen - Class in edu.uoc.pacman.view
WelcomeScreen(PacmanGame) - Constructor for class edu.uoc.pacman.view.WelcomeScreen
width - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.Level
The width of the map/labyrinth.
WINDOW_HEIGHT - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame
WINDOW_WIDTH - Static variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.view.PacmanGame


x - Variable in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Direction
Offset in X axis
x - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Position
Value of the attribute X axis


y - Variable in enum class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Direction
Offset in Y axis
y - Variable in class edu.uoc.pacman.model.utils.Position
Value of the attribute Y axis
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y 
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